lavender or purple colored items to wear for the wedding

# pari
# Pelvic_Inflammatory_disease
Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID is an infection of the organs of female,s reproductive system which include the uterus, ovaries, cervix and fallopian tubes.

# Causes ...
Mostly cases of PID are caused by bacterial infection which spread from vagina or cervix to the reproductive organs. It is also caused by sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea and is treated with antibiotics lavender or purple colored items to wear for the wedding

# Symptoms
PID often doesn't cause any obvious symptom but most women have mild symptoms which may include one or more of the following
*Pain around the pelvis or lower abdomen
*Pain during urination
*Discomfort during sex which felt deep inside the pelvis
*Heavy and painful periods
*Unusual vaginal discharge
Some women become very ill with
*Severe lower abdominal pain

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